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1 Accounting policies

Accounting policies have been consistently applied except that UITF 38 'Accounting for ESOP trusts' and the revision of UITF 17 'Employee share schemes' have been adopted in these statements. The adoption of these standards represents a change in accounting policy and the comparative figures have been restated accordingly. The effect of these changes in accounting policy is disclosed in note 24.

a. Basis of accounting - The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Companies Act and applicable accounting standards. A summary of the significant accounting policies is set out below.

b. Basis of consolidation - The consolidated accounts include the accounts of all subsidiaries made up to 31 December. Where companies have become or ceased to be subsidiaries or associates during the year, the Group results include results for the period during which they were subsidiaries or associates.

The results of the Group includes the Group's share of the results of joint ventures and associates, and the consolidated balance sheet includes the Group's interest in joint ventures and associates at the book value of attributable net assets and attributable goodwill.

c. Goodwill - From 1 January 1998 goodwill, being either the net excess of the cost of shares in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates over the value attributable to their net assets on acquisition or the cost of other goodwill by purchase, is capitalised and amortised through the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life not exceeding 20 years. Estimated useful life is determined after taking into account such factors as the nature and age of the business and the stability of the industry in which the acquired business operates, as well as typical life spans of the acquired products to which the goodwill attaches. Goodwill is subject to an impairment review at the end of the first full year following an acquisition, and at any other time if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. Goodwill arising on acquisitions before 1 January 1998 has been deducted from reserves and is charged or credited to the profit and loss account on disposal or closure of the business to which it relates.

d. Sales - Sales represent the amount of goods and services, net of value added tax and other sales taxes, and excluding trade discounts and anticipated returns, provided to external customers and associates.

Revenue from the sale of books is recognised when title passes. Anticipated returns are based primarily on historical return rates.

Circulation and advertising revenue is recognised when the newspaper or other publication is published.

Subscription revenue is recognised on a straight-line basis over the life of the subscription.

Where a contractual arrangement consists of two or more separate elements that can be provided to customers either on a stand-alone basis or as an optional extra, such as the provision of supplementary materials with textbooks, revenue is recognised for each element as if it were an individual contractual arrangement.

Revenue from multi-year contractual arrangements, such as contracts to process qualifying tests for individual professions and government departments, is recognised as performance occurs. Certain of these arrangements, either as a result of a single service spanning more than one reporting period or where the contract requires the provision of a number of services that together constitute a single project, are treated as long-term contracts with revenue recognised on a percentage of completion basis. Losses on contracts are recognised in the period in which the loss first becomes foreseeable. Contract losses are determined to be the amount by which estimated direct and indirect costs of the contract exceed the estimated total revenues that will be generated by the contract.

On certain contracts, where the Group acts as agent, only commissions and fees receivable for services rendered are recognised as revenue. Any third party costs incurred on behalf of the principal that are rechargeable under the contractual arrangement are not included in revenue.

e. Pension costs - The regular pension cost of the Group's defined benefit pension schemes is charged to the profit and loss account in accordance with SSAP 24 'Accounting for pension costs' in order to apportion the cost of pensions over the service lives of employees in the schemes.

Variations are apportioned over the expected service lives of current employees in the schemes. The pension cost of the Group's defined contribution schemes is the amount of contributions payable for the year.

f. Post-retirement benefits other than pensions - Post-retirement benefits other than pensions are accounted for on an accruals basis to recognise the obligation over the expected service lives of the employees concerned.

g. Tangible fixed assets - The cost of tangible fixed assets other than freehold land is depreciated over estimated economic lives in equal annual amounts. Generally, freeholds are depreciated at 1% to 5% per annum, leaseholds at 2% per annum, or over the period of the lease if shorter, and plant and equipment at various rates between 5% and 33% per annum.

h. Leases - Finance lease rentals are capitalised at the net present value of the total amount of rentals payable under the leasing agreement (excluding finance charges) and depreciated in accordance with policy g above. Finance charges are written off over the period of the lease in reducing amounts in relation to the written down carrying cost. Operating lease rentals are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the duration of each lease term.

i. Fixed asset investments - Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provisions for diminution in value.

j. Share schemes - Shares held by employee share ownership trusts are shown at cost and recorded as a deduction in arriving at shareholders' funds. The costs of funding and administering the trusts are charged to the profit and loss account in the period to which they relate. The fair market value of the shares at the date of grant, less any consideration to be received from the employee, is charged to the profit and loss account over the period to which the employee's performance relates. Where awards are contingent upon future events (other than continued employment) an assessment of the likelihood of these conditions being achieved is made at the end of each reporting period and an appropriate adjustment to the charge is made.

k. Stocks - Stocks and work in progress are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

l. Pre-publication costs - Pre-publication costs represent direct costs incurred in the development of educational programmes and titles prior to their publication. These costs are carried forward in stock where the title to which they relate has a useful life in excess of one year. These costs are amortised upon publication of the title over estimated economic lives of five years or less, being an estimate of the expected life cycle of the title, with a higher proportion of the amortisation taken in the earlier years.

m. Royalty advances - Advances of royalties to authors are included within debtors when the advance is paid less any provision required to bring the amount down to its net realisable value. The royalty advance is expensed at the contracted royalty rate as the related revenues are earned.

n. Newspaper development costs - Revenue investment in the development of newspaper titles consists of measures to increase the volume and geographical spread of circulation. These measures include additional and enhanced editorial content, extended distribution and remote printing. These extra costs arising are expensed as incurred.

o. Deferred taxation - Provision is made in full for deferred tax that arises from timing differences that have originated but not reversed by the balance sheet date on transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that there will be taxable profits from which the underlying timing differences can be deducted. Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.

p. Financial instruments - Interest and the premium or discount on the issue of financial instruments is taken to the profit and loss account so as to produce a constant rate of return over the period to the date of expected redemption.

The Group uses derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to interest rate and foreign exchange risks. These include interest rate swaps, currency swaps and forward currency contracts.

Amounts payable or receivable in respect of interest rate derivatives are accrued with net interest payable over the period of the contract. Where the derivative instrument is terminated early, the gain or loss is spread over the remaining maturity of the original instrument. Where the underlying exposure ceases to exist, any termination gain or loss is taken to the profit and loss account. Foreign currency borrowings and their related derivatives are carried in the balance sheet at the relevant exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Gains or losses in respect of the hedging of overseas subsidiaries are taken to reserves. Gains or losses arising from foreign exchange contracts are taken to the profit and loss account in line with the transactions which they are hedging. Premiums paid on contracts designed to manage currency exposure on specific acquisitions or disposals are charged to the profit and loss account.

The company participates in offset arrangements with certain banks whereby cash and overdraft amounts are offset against each other.

q. Foreign currencies - Profit and loss accounts in overseas currencies are translated into sterling at average rates. Balance sheets are translated into sterling at the rates ruling at 31 December. Exchange differences arising on consolidation are taken directly to reserves. Other exchange differences are taken to the profit and loss account where they relate to trading transactions and directly to reserves where they relate to investments.

The principal overseas currency for the Group is the US dollar. The average rate for the year against sterling was $1.83 (2003: $1.63) and the year end rate was $1.92 (2003: $1.79).

r. Liquid resources - Liquid resources comprise short-term deposits of less than one year and investments which are readily realisable and held on a short-term basis.

s. Retained profits of overseas subsidiaries and associates - No provision is made for any additional taxation, less double taxation relief, which would arise on the remittance of profits retained where there is no intention to remit such profits.

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