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24 Reserves
All figures in £ millions Share
and loss
Summary of movements
At 31 December 2003 restated 2,469 223
Exchange differences net of taxation - (176)
Premium on issue of equity shares 4 -
Loss retained for the year - (113)
Purchase of own shares - (10)
UITF 17 charge for the year - 5
At 31 December 2004 2,473 (71)
Analysed as
Joint ventures and associates   (63)
Group excluding joint ventures and associates   (8)

Note Cumulative goodwill relating to acquisitions made prior to 1998, which was deducted from reserves, amounts to £915m (2003: £961m). Included in exchange differences are exchange gains of £nil (2003: £74m) arising on borrowings denominated in, or swapped into, foreign currencies designated as hedges of net investments overseas.

Prior year adjustment

UITF Abstract 38 'Accounting for ESOP trusts' and the revision of UITF Abstract 17 'Employee share schemes' were issued on 15 December 2003 and these revisions have been applied for the first time in 2004. Under UITF 38 own shares held in treasury or through an ESOP trust are recorded at cost and shown as a deduction in arriving at shareholders' funds. Previously these shares were recorded at cost less provision for impairment and shown as a fixed asset investment with impairment charges being taken to the profit and loss account. Under the revised UITF 17, employee share scheme charges to the profit and loss account are now always calculated as the intrinsic value of the award and spread over the performance period. The intrinsic value is the difference between the fair value of shares at the date of grant and the amount paid by the employee to exercise the rights to those shares irrespective of the cost of shares purchased to fund the award.

The reclassification of own shares from fixed asset investments to equity has reduced net assets by £59m at 31 December 2003 (1 January 2003: £62m). The reversal of prior year impairments taken on the cost of shares held in trust (£37m) has been shown as a prior year adjustment in the statement of total recognised gains and losses. The amendment to UITF 17 in respect of the calculation of share scheme charges has had no material effect on the profit and loss account.

Included within own shares are shares held by the Pearson Employee Share Trust and Pearson plc Employee Share Ownership Trusts. Together they hold 6.9 million (2003: 7.5 million) Pearson plc ordinary shares which had a market value of £43m at 31 December 2004 (2003: £46m). These shares have been acquired by the trusts, using funds provided by Pearson plc, to meet obligations under various executive and employee option and restricted share plans. Under these plans the participants become entitled to shares after a specified number of years and subject to certain performance criteria being met. Pearson aims to hedge its liability under the plans by buying shares through the trusts to meet the anticipated future liability. Dividends on the shares held by the trusts have been waived. The amount of dividend waived on the ESOP shares was £2m (2003: £2m).

The Group operates a worldwide Save As You Earn scheme together with a similar scheme for US employees that allows the grant of share options at a discount to the market price of the option granted. The Group has made use of the exemption under UITF 17 not to recognise any compensation charge in respect of these options.

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